Here are a few innovations that have not yet made it to the market. Some have appeared in other products, others are quite new and yet to be explored. Feel free to contact us to know more.
History of data loggers at RBR. How it all started: the “Brick logger”.
Interesting devices that we made and might be worth bringing up to date:
The SF-30 plant fluorometer using the Krautsky effect
VnC room audio monitoring using SquareHead technology
The ZEFICC and moulded components
Is replacement of the C Cell ceramic feasible?
The real theory of inductive C Cells.
Evanescent wave sensor for oceanography
Submersible Linear Motor for sensor wiping.
High pressure conductivity cell without any seals needed.
Copper shielding in the C Cell – what are the benefits?
C Cell that uses a single point calibration
C Cell calibration for esturaine waters.
Pancake C Cell – is this feasible?
Four beam turbidity/fluorometer
Energy storage for load levelling consortium effort
Optocon(R) replacement actuators
Data compression for ocean data
Lobar pump for blood
Low cost T recorder
User Interface that is readable
Remote data logging
Compact transmissometer – fibre
Compact transmissometer – retroprism
Micro Salinometer